Perhaps the sexiest piece of stereo equipment Ive seen

Yamaha RX-V2700 and RX-V1700 HDMI Receivers – Gizmodo

The higher-end member of this pair is the RX-V2700 . . ., bringing Ethernet connectivity to the feature list, where it’s able to hook up with PCs on your network and stream their music files, or it can let you listen to Internet radio stations right in your home theater.

This is what I want.  Interconnectivity.  Just because my music’s on my computer doesn’t mean I’ll never want to listen to it anywhere else.  Plus, this thing is HDMI-capable, in case I ever get around to getting HD from the cable company, or buy a new DVD player.

I wonder what the ethernet streaming interface is like.  They don’t say it’s PC-only, and the thing works with iPods, so that could be cool, especially if it will work with Ubuntu.

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