I am the greatest chef in the world

Date night ingredients: beets and horseradish for the wife, molasses and summer squash for me. I did well, I think, but the wife knocked it out of the park. She made salmon with a horseradish cream sauce over roasted potatoes and beets. I modified this recipe and made Roasted Brussels Sprouts over Molasses Vinegar Squash Puree.

YAY_1507 Ingredients:

  • Summer squash (I used two good-sized yellow squash)
  • Two tablespoons butter
  • Package of fresh Brussels sprouts
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • 2 TBSP balsamic vinegar
  • 2 TBSP molasses
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil
    Directions: Chop the squash into one-inch-ish cubes. Melt the butter, mix in the rosemary, thyme, vinegar, and molasses. Put the squash in a bowl and cover it with the butter mixture. Chop the Brussels sprouts, lightly cover in olive oil and salt and pepper. On two separate cookie sheets, roast all the vegetables. I did them at 450 for about 20 minutes, mostly because that’s the temperature the wife wanted. Roasting vegetables is not an exact science, and there’s a broad range of “done” that you’ll be happy with, so make sure the vegetables aren’t too hard and don’t burn too much and you’ll be fine. Puree the squash and put it on a plate. Cover with Brussels sprouts and enjoy. I think this was a tiny bit too sweet – I think next time I’d put in a little more vinegar or a little less molasses. But it was quite delightful as it was.

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