DC is a little crazy with their parking tickets. When I registered my car, I thought I would get a Zone 1 designation on my registration sticker. The 1500 block of our street is Zone 1 parking. Most of the surrounding streets are Zone 1. But not my block. So I didn’t get issued a zone designation – it says “No RPP”. RPP stands for Residential Parking Permit.
This morning, I moved my car to the right side of the street for street cleaning on the left. This afternoon, I got a parking ticket for failure to display an RPP. I can’t display an f’ing RPP if I’m not issued one. Are they telling me that, on Tuesdays, I just have to drive my car to work, and not return until I can park on the left side of the street?
This is ridiculous. The DMV is closed now, but they will be hearing from me tomorrow.
I would rant some more, but I have to go pick up my wife.