Finding Gems in the “Off” Vintages
Reading this site always makes me want to go buy wine. And I do need to fill up our wine racks – currently we just have a few special bottles that we’re saving (Actually, that we’re scared to drink). One of them is for our anniversary in August, and one of them is my favorite wine, a 2004 Gibson Wilfreda, that we bought on the honeymoon. I think I’m afraid to drink it because I worry that it won’t be as good as I remember.
Anyway, one of these days reading Vinfolio might actually make me buy the wine, rather than just think about it. I’m sure that would make them happy. Maybe they can get me a deal on a case of Wilfreda . . .
I also have to give Mr. Moore credit for correctly using both “its” and “it’s” in the span of three words. I’m always surprised at how often I see people get this wrong, and often in publications that should really know better.