Happy Birthday to me!

What a beautiful morning. It’s sunny and warm and all the windows are open. My wife is cooking me breakfast. There’s a huge pile of my mother-in-law’s chocolate chip cookies on the counter (I wanted to empty the box they were shipped in so the cat could play in it). This afternoon, the wife and I are going to take a little walk, and my family is coming over later for dinner.

Last night, we went to Merkado for dinner. It was quite good. I had the special, which was halibut over a black bean and mango salsa. I highly recommend it. The fried banana dessert was also great.

This is especially relevant to residents of Columbia Heights because the company that runs Merkado, as well as Grillfish and Logan Tavern, is opening a new restaurant in June or July right at the Columbia Heights Metro stop. They’re going to call it Logan @ The Heights, which I think is a dumb name. Maybe they think that Columbia Heights can’t stand up on its own, and they have to associate Logan Circle with us so we know their restaurant is cool.

In any event, I’ll try the new place when it opens.

I also need to try the Intercambios at Dos Gringos in Mount Pleasant. It seems like a cool idea – it’s a semi-structured informal conversation designed to meet new people and brush up on your language skills. I’ve been saying that I’d like to brush up on my Spanish, so I should actually do something about it.

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