HOWTO: Draft A Good Complaint Letter – Consumerist
The wife is half-looking over my shoulder as we watch some Sunday Night Football, and she saw the headline.
“How to draft a good complaint letter? What are you doing?” She says. And it’s the tone she used that’s important here. The tone implied that blogging about how to draft a good complaint letter is utterly worthless and ridiculous.
I run a blog called “Complaint Hub”. Blogging about complaining is what I do. And Consumerist also does a lot of complaining. So sometimes I link to their site (Don’t tell them it’s because they pay attention to who links them, and sometimes link back. Tell them it’s because they’re so witty. They’ll like that.).
I don’t think that’s ridiculous at all. I’m here, providing a service to the community by helping to spread the word about how to write a good complaint letter.
So, go out and write a complaint letter to someone who has wronged you. It will feel good, trust me.