And were in

We’re all moved in. The house is still a disaster, but we’ve made a lot of progress. Actually, I’ve made some progress, and my wife has made a lot of progress. But the progress is being made, that’s what’s important.

There are plenty of problems so far. First, the cat is still very agitated. And when she’s agitated, she’s loud. I hope another day or two and she’ll be adjusted. Much more than that and I fear the wife will ship her off to Siberia.

We still don’t have cable or internet. There’s a weak unprotected network that’s available sometimes, but not reliably. Comcast and Verizon both don’t recognize the building as separate units, so they won’t install anything.

On the bright side, I went to the new Super Giant on Park St., and had no problems. I had heard a lot of complaints about the store, but I had short lines, pleasant and efficient cashiers, and I found just about everything I needed. It’s cool to be able to walk to the grocery store.

So, I’ll be updating more as we get internet at home, and as we get a little more settled. I may be meeting the wife and her coworkers for happy hour tonight, so I might try the bus down 16th Street. I’ll report back if I do, I know you’re dying to hear.

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