I took an alternate route to work today because I had to drop the wife off in Arlington so she could pass out Jim Webb (Democratic candidate for Senator in VA) literature. So I was coming through a sort of bad intersection – nothing like Seven Corners, but not the nicest intersection, either. As I went through the green light, a school bus pulled halfway into the intersection to turn right. Into my lane.
First of all, you don’t pull halfway into the lane when a car with the right of way is already occupying that lane. Second, I thought school buses never turned right on red. Doesn’t it say that on the back of the bus?
I always drive more carefully around school buses. I mean, they’re full of children without seatbelts. And usually the bus drivers are extra cautious, too. But not this one. So I honked at him. He then turned right just behind me. On red. Jerk.