this scenario occurs all too often. _place_holder; you are female, wishing to use the bathroom at a bar. _place_holder; the bathroom has two stalls. _place_holder; by the end of the evening, one stall has a door that will not lock & generally won’t even close. _place_holder; the other may have a functioning door/lock, but will inevitably house a commode hopelessly clogged with toilet paper and other more unpleasant things. _place_holder; and the line of women intending to use such inadequate facilities will be out the door. _place_holder;
Tag: life
Citibank Premiere Pass
So, I’m sick of Credit Card companies promising one thing and delivering something else! I mean, these new Citibank Premiere Pass credit card commercials are awesome. They are funny, and the product sounds incredible. _place_holder; I mean, I get miles on purchases and for the miles I fly… Plus I still get my airline miles as well from the airline. Can’t beat that!
But, alas, it’s a sham! You don’t actually get those miles that you earned flying until you’ve spent that much money on the card. So if you fly to Hong Kong for $1,000 bucks on the card, you get 1000 points for the purchase and like 10,000 for the flight… but you can only use 1,000 of those flight miles. Until you spend another $9,000 (!!!) dollars on the card, those points can’t be used. What a farce! And yet, they really don’t explain that in their commercials…
Oh, by the way, the card also has a $75 dollar annual fee. I mean, is that really necessary since the program pretty much sucks anyways?
Please, someone tell the new Democrats to do something about this. If a company makes a claim, they should have to meet it… REGARDLESS of what their disclosure says! Don’t give me disclosures, give me truthful advertising!
Thanks for allowing me to submit this. I feel better now.
getting old
i swear i never got very sore after flag football games until this season. _place_holder; there have always been bruises, abrasions, the occasional ruptured achilles tendon & what have you, but generally little (if any) muscle soreness. _place_holder; i know i’m not going as hard as i used to when i block…that’s fine…that explains the decrease in bumps and bruises. but i essentially do the same general ‘staying fit’ workouts as i did during past seasons. i would think there shouldn’t be a marked increase in muscle-soreness. _place_holder; the only explanation i can think of is i’m getting old. _place_holder; and it sucks. _place_holder; well worth testing the complaint submission form. _place_holder;
Took too long to get this set up
But it was worth it!
stupid metro riders
so, in the morning on metro, many people read the express, a free publication that’s distributed at the metro entrances. _place_holder; it’s a perfect way to pass the time if you’re interested. _place_holder; there’s a little headline news, world news, local stuff, sports highlights, some pop culture articles, comics, sudoku and a crossword. _place_holder; plenty of things to keep people busy. _place_holder; and, again, it’s free. _place_holder; can’t beat that. _place_holder; what on earth could i be complaining about, you may wonder. _place_holder; well, people – after taking advantage of this free reading material – can’t manage to find the recycle bin at the metro exit to deposit the express. _place_holder; let me help out these readers: IT’S RIGHT NEXT TO THE TRASH BIN YOU’RE USING TO THROW AWAY THE EXPRESS! _place_holder; the bins are SIDE BY SIDE. _place_holder; and one is clearly labeled “newspaper”. _place_holder; i know you can read, you took a copy of the express! _place_holder; the only explanation i can come up with is that the garbage bin is easier to use. _place_holder; it has a huge round hole on the top to accept deposits. _place_holder; the recycling bin has a wide slit on the side and no open top. _place_holder; that means, commuters would have to slow down ever so slightly to have better aim and put it in the recylcing bin. _place_holder; and i honestly think it’s the additional 2 seconds it might take them that deters these people. _place_holder; i have two responses to that – you’re only going to work. is it really that important that you get there NOW?! _place_holder; and second, if you walked up the escalator rather than ride it to the top, you’d save more than two seconds. _place_holder; just an idea.
Inconsiderate Metro Riders
So, the wife is into her third trimester now and is clearly visibly pregnant. She rides the metro from Vienna to Farragut West everyday and then of course back in the afternoon. In the morning she always gets a seat because it’s the first stop on the Orange line. In the afternoon of course she has to cram in with a bazillion other people. In the 26 weeks she’s been pregnant there have been less than 5 people who have offered to let her take their seat and all of them have been women. Not a single man has offered her their seat! Are guys today really that inconsiderate that they can’t offer a pregnant woman or elderly person their seat? I find this unbelievable but sadly expected I guess.
Time Moves to Fast
I know this is a silly complaint, but lately I’ve been angry about how fast time seems to move. SO, if I could submit a complaint here… I’d like to call out “time” — yes, the fourth dimension — for its screwy behavior lately.
Thanks. _place_holder;
i concur with wife on the lack of complaints! _place_holder; i’ve had many complaints to share, but felt sorta weird complaining more than the host. :) _place_holder; but that won’t stop me now!! _place_holder; i have some weird virus that has taken me out hardcore for the past five days and to a lesser extent, the five days before that. _place_holder; i can’t run….it’s not that i don’t want to…i just think i’d pass out. _place_holder; the primary symptom has been a headcrushing headache that sort of comes and goes. _place_holder; everytime i think i might be on the mend, it sets back in. _place_holder; i don’t like being down. _place_holder; the doc said 10-14 days. _place_holder; i’m not used to being down hard more than 3 or 4. _place_holder; and now i wonder if i am still sick or just losing motivation to do anything. _place_holder; but i’m complaining. so i guess that’s a good start.
emove, usplastics, comcast – why is nothing easy?
emove – so, we used emove when we moved from virginia to d.c. _place_holder; we paid for 2 guys to load the truck in virginia and 2 guys to unload the truck in virginia. _place_holder; three charges appeared on my credit card rather than 2. _place_holder; i emailed and said, hey, i think two of these confirmation numbers are for the same job. _place_holder; after a week of no response from emove, i emailed again today. _place_holder; the response: two of the charges are accurate b/c we hired in both d.c. and virginia. _place_holder; thanks for that. _place_holder; i agree with that proposition. _place_holder; it’s the THIRD charge i have a problem with. _place_holder; still trying. _place_holder; i hate when customer service people don’t actually READ your email. _place_holder; _place_holder;
usplastics – right after emove completely ignores my request, i place an order for 96 gallon bins and recylcing containers. _place_holder; then customer service calls me (again, right on the heels of my emove email) to give me an estimate on the freight charges. _place_holder; about $100. _place_holder; a bit steep, but, ok. _place_holder; i ask about delivery date. _place_holder; she doesn’t really know and tells me that i have to pay $15 to be called in advance of delivery. _place_holder; WHAT? _place_holder; it’s not like you can just leave four huge bins on our landing – there’s not enough room and i’d like to arrange for someone to be home. _place_holder; now, don’t get me wrong, $15 is not a lot and it would come out of our condo fees. _place_holder; but – WTF? _place_holder; i have to pay to have you tell me when to expect delivery. _place_holder; no way. _place_holder; not now. _place_holder; not ever. _place_holder; sufficed to say, i’m receiving notification and not paying anything for it.
comcast – we cannot get these clowns to come to our building to do installation. _place_holder; the computer still lists our unit as single-family residence rather than individual units and so they can’t arrange for a guy to come out. _place_holder; the problem wtih this explanation: A COMCAST GUY CAME OUT ON SATURDAY AND DID INSTALLATION FOR THE UNIT ABOVE OURS.
i go back to my opening question: why is nothing easy????
Tequila – the solution to all of life’s problems
Worried the sun is going to explode? Think the terrorists might actually win? Afraid that, by the time we actually get a real President, we might have lost ALL of our civil rights? Worry not. The answer is tequila.