Investing for the l33t

I was reading this article about the failure of some ETFs to really commit to their theme. He talks about some ETFs that claim to be based on wind power but have holdings like BP that really don’t depend on the success of wind power at all. The most interesting part of the article, though, wasn’t really his point. It was an ETF called PowerShares Global Wind Energy Portfolio. For some of you their ticker symbol, PWND, means nothing. For others, it has a rich and humorous meaning. In any event, I was looking at the Google Finance page for the fund, and saw the a discussion thread that caught my eye. I don’t know why these things make me laugh so much, but they do, and this did. I guess I’m just a sucker for dumb internet memes that won’t go away.

A call for financial advice

I just finished rolling over my old 401K from a former employer into an IRA. So now I have a lot more control over what I can do with one chunk of my retirement savings. The question is, what to do? I’m looking for advice, and I’m looking for a good resource to get an overview of investing. I mean, a friend mentioned beaten-down financial sector ETFs. I had to Google “ETF”. I don’t want to invest in something that I have to Google until I learn a bit more about it. Anyone have advice on a good place to start?