Would this work at Seven Corners?

Techdirt: Getting Rid Of Traffic Lights And Traffic Signs To Make Everyone Safer

When you remove all of the guidance, it makes people (and that includes the bikers and pedestrians as well) much more cautious and careful — so they tend to make fewer dangerous moves. On top of that, it actually makes the traffic flow much more smoothly, allowing people to get where they’re going much faster, even if they drive slower.

I suspect that this works better in cities, and Seven Corners might be too complicated to remove the signs, but this is an interesting concept.  Basically, if you remove traffic signs and lights, everything moves more slowly and smoothly and people drive more safely.  I suspect that this would only be temporary, though.  People would drive more safely at first, but if you go through an intersection twice a day on your commute to and from work, many people will get used to the little quirks of the road (For example, at a particular intersection, the left lane always backs up trying to turn, so you get to the right before you get there) and take advantage.

Still, it is nice to see people examining things like this, which people take for granted, and wondering if there is really a better way, even if it sounds quite drastic.

Mommies have known this for years

Natural-born painkiller found in human saliva – health – 13 November 2006 – New Scientist Link via Kurzweil AI Saliva from humans has yielded a natural painkiller up to six times more powerful than morphine, researchers say.

See? And you thought that it was just a placebo and a mother’s love when she offered to kiss your boo-boos and make them better. She was actually just trying to apply a substance that “works in nerve cells of the spine by stopping the usual destruction of natural pain-killing opiates there” to make your pain go away.

Brickskeller now has Bells!

The Brickskeller & RFD Washington DC

Local (to me, at least) beer heaven The Brickskeller now has Bell’s Beer in a bottle. For those not familiar with Bell’s, don’t even finish reading this post. Get to The Brickskeller and have an Oberon. They have a KEG OF OBERON. Why are you still reading? Go, now! They might run out.

Thanks to guest-blogger Gayle for the head’s up.

What did I do before?

I just finished painting the second bedroom.  If someone even mentions something related to paint, I’m going to snap.  Now, at a very, very conservative estimate, my wife did 70% of the painting.  I did all the sanding, which was an awful, awful job.  But she did the vast majority of the painting.  And it’s times like these that I wonder what the heck I did before I met her.  She has a nearly unfathomable ability to just work on something until it’s finished, no matter how much it sucks, or how tired she is.  I can not imagine how long it would take me to get my condo ready to sell if she weren’t doing the bulk of the work, and gently nudging me to do the rest.

For example, last night, after moving stuff out of here to my grandmother’s so the place looks bigger, cooking dinner for some friends (Who were my friends first, by the way) who are moving to the West coast, and packing for her four day work retreat, she painted all the edges in the second bedroom so that I could just do the big wall sections today.  I fell asleep while she was still working.

And now I need to reheat the lasagna she made for dinner last night so I can get back to my novel, which I haven’t touched since Friday.  And wouldn’t be touching again at all if my wife hadn’t done so much work on the condo.

So, for all of you single people out there who have the means to obtain a significant other even half as great as mine, I highly recommend that you do so.  You won’t regret it.

So busy

With Novel Writing Month (a personal daily best of 5700 words on Friday), preparing to deliver version 3.0 at work, getting the condo ready to sell, and various other life responsibilities, I feel like I’m not complaining enough.  At least, not here.  I’m certain I’ve done enough complaining about painting, even though my wife does most of the work.

So, I’d like to apologize to my loyal fans.  This week is pretty busy, but next week is looking a little better, and the week after that even better.  I could be wrong, though.  But I’ll be back to my normal elevated level of complaining as soon as possible.

What do you want, a cookie?

Accidental Hedonist – Labels and Standards

In essence, what they’re saying is that food companies don’t get a bonus credit for leaving out an excess of salt, sugar or fat, because it’s something they should be doing anyway.

I love this post. It reminds me of the Chris Rock skit about the guy bragging that he’s never been to jail, that he takes care of his kids. Rock, appropriately, responds, ‘You’re not supposed to go to jail.” If you haven’t seen the skit, you should. It’s probably on YouTube or something.

What we’re looking for is “good faith” healthy food.  That is, not something that’s had just enough fat or salt or whatever removed to meet some minimum guideline.  Stuff that’s labeled “healthy” should actually have healthy ingredients.  It should have a reasonable amount of sugar (natural sugar, not the cancer-y stuff), minimal fat and sodium, maybe some protein, some whole wheat flour . . .

While it’s nice that it’s getting easier every day to find stuff labeled “organic” at the grocery store, there’s more to it than that.  And most people, myself included, aren’t going to go research the company they’re buying from and make sure the labels really mean what they imply.

I don’t know what the solution is, but I hope someone does.

Im special

I just got a letter from the Virginia Department of Transportation.  It seems that Senator Saslaw and Congressman Moran passed my letter along, and now I’m going to be notified by a member of the Traffic Engineering Section concerning the results of their effort to provide “innovative guide signage and pavement markings”.

And people said I was crazy to write to my representatives.  But you see here that it makes things happen.  I mean, who among you has received a letter from VDOT?  I’m holding one in my hand right now.  Maybe I’ll frame it, and put it above the mantle next to the flag football trophy.

Looks like its almost over

Allen to Concede Election This Afternoon – washingtonpost.com

Virginia Sen. George Allen (R) will concede that he has lost the election to Democrat James Webb at a 3 p.m. news conference in Alexandria, according to a source close to the campaign with direct knowledge of the senator’s intentions.

Now it’s time for the Democrats to come through on all the stuff they promised.  I mean, they have a few weeks before they have to start campaigning for the 2008 Presidency, right?  Let’s get some bipartisan compromising done!

Ooh, thats classy, Britney

Divorced By SMS: The Exact Moment K-Fed Gets Britney’s Text Message Caught On Video – Gizmodo

This video apparently shows the exact moment that Kevin Federline gets the SMS from Britney telling them that it’s over.

I had seen rumors of this before on sites of questionable sources, but if Gizmodo says it, it MUST be true.  Not only is Britney protecting the sanctity of marriage by getting married (To a man, thank god) twice in two years, but she allegedly sent him a text message on his cell phone to announce the divorce.

Nano update

I’m all caught up on my novel as of right now. I’m not really ahead, as I’d like to be, but I’ve been behind since November 4th, so a little bit ahead is an improvement. The story is going well. I’m finding my main character less interesting than I’d hoped, and focusing more on some female characters. This is good for me because I always worry about writing female characters. I was told by a few female friends that the lead female in my 2003 novel was a slut (Although many disagreed), and I think these female characters are better. One of them might be a little bit of a slut, but one out of three isn’t bad, right?

I forget every year how much I enjoy doing this. I really need to get myself writing outside of November. And I say that every year. Maybe this will be the year I get better about it.